Best Friend electronic tick repeller
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Best Friend electronic tick repeller
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Detailed composition:
Consumer usage instructions:
Remove the red plastic strip. The red LED light blinks 10 times before turning off. The product is now activated. Attach the product to the dog’s or cat’s collar with the black hole facing the fur. The product should always be used outdoors, but preferably indoors, too, to prevent any ticks in the coat from attaching themselves to the skin. The repellent works in an area of approximately 3 m³. The lithium battery lasts about 10 months and is non-replaceable. You can test battery life by pressing a thin stick through the small hole on the product. Do not test the battery unnecessarily as that will shorten battery life. The product is resistant to splashes of water, but it may not be immersed in water, e.g. when swimming. If dirty, clean the product with a damp cleaning cloth. Safe to use, contains no toxic chemicals.