Dog Treats for Outdoor Activities
Walking, hiking and running with your dog are great ways to spend time together and take care of both your own and your pet’s health. Outdoor activities provide dogs with the opportunity to move, explore the environment, and sniff new scents.
However, sometimes it may seem that your dog isn’t super excited about going for a walk or gets tired quickly during outdoor outings. In such cases, dog treats can be a helpful motivator. When you spend time outdoors with your dog, you’ll easily notice that your furry friend is interested in various things around them—including treats.
Giving treats can be a good way to reward your dog for good behavior or motivate them to learn new tricks. Treats can serve as rewards for behaviors like sitting, waiting, or coming when called. Dog treats can also help calm your dog during walks. You can use treats as incentives to encourage your dog to come closer to you or to follow a specific route.
However, it’s essential to remember that treats should not be the sole motivator for outdoor activities. Dogs should genuinely enjoy exercise and exploring their surroundings, not just rely solely on treats.
When choosing treats for your dog, opt for healthy and nutritious options. Avoid overly fatty or sugary treats, as they can be harmful to your dog’s health and increase the risk of obesity. Look for treats made from wholesome ingredients that align with your dog’s dietary needs.

Dog Treats Help Motivate Outdoor Activities
During outdoor activities, it’s a good idea to carry a few different kind of treats with you. Having treats readily available allows you to easily give them to your dog in suitable situations. Best Friend’s range of dog treats offers many delicious options that are perfect for accompanying your walks.
Some of our most popular training treats are the very meaty and delicious Best Friend Naturals treats, which come in various shapes and flavours for rewarding your dog. The high protein content in these treats helps maintain your dog’s energy levels during the walk.
Another excellent option is the Nordic Mini Bits treats, available in several different flavors. These grain-free treats from the Best Friend assortment are made from single-protein only, making them thus suitable even for allergic dogs. Nordic Mini Bits treats are also free from unnecessary additives.
Did you know that certain fruits, such as apples and bananas, many berries, and vegetables can work very well as training treats during walks? Fruits, berries, and vegetables can also complement your dog’s diet. When rewarding your dog, it’s essential to remember that not all foods are suitable for dogs. Many human foods are toxic or harmful to dogs and can cause stomach issues or even serious illnesses. Examples of such foods include chocolate, onions, grapes, and avocados.
Treats can also be beneficial in environments different from your daily walking routine. For instance, if your dog is used to running freely in the forest but now needs to be on a leash in the city, treats can help maintain its interest during urban walks. You can reward your dog with treats when it walks beside you or stays in place while waiting for you in the traffic lights.
It’s essential to remember that giving dog treats in moderation is crucial. Excessive consumption of dog treats can lead to weight gain and health issues. Additionally, make sure to provide your dog with adequate water during walks and ensure that your pet gets enough rest and quiet time. It’s often recommended to limit the proportion of dog treats and chews to approximately 10% of the dog’s daily energy needs. Of course, this recommendation also depends on the dog’s daily activity level and the quality of their overall diet.
Overall, walking with your dog is an excellent way to spend time together and take care of both of your health. Dog treats can be a helpful motivator and can enhance your dog’s interest in walking. However, remember to use treats moderately and choose high-quality options!

Reward Your Dog for Outdoor Activities with Tasty Dog Treats
Dog outdoor activities are an essential part of their health and well-being. Going outside allows dogs to move, explore their surroundings, and socialize with other dogs. However, for many dogs, mere outdoor time might not be motivating enough. That’s where rewarding your dog with treats can help encourage more movement.
Meaty, high-quality treats are an excellent snack for dogs because they are rich in protein and low in fat. You can find several tasty options from our Naturals, Care+ or WellDone series.
Lastly, it’s crucial to remember that treats do not replace a balanced diet. Your dog’s primary nutrition should come from high-quality food suitable for their needs. Treats serve as an addition to the diet and help with motivation during outdoor activities.
Best Friend Naturals Dog Treats - More Meat and More Quality!
Why Using Dog TreatsDuring Outdoor Activities Is Beneficial?
Dog treats are an essential part of your pet’s diet and can also be useful during outdoor activities. Below are a few reasons why using dog treats during outdoor time is beneficial:
Increasing Motivation
Giving your dog treats can help boost its motivation and enthusiasm for outdoor activities. The treats serve as positive reinforcement for its behavior, making your dog more eager and motivated to participate in walks, follow commands, and behave as desired.
Enhancing Focus
Using dog treats can help your dog focus on you and your instructions rather than being distracted by other dogs it encounters. Dogs understand that treats are rewards for good behavior.
Rewarding Your Dog
Offering treats is an excellent way to reward your dog for its good behavior or successful performances. It helps the dog understand what you expect from it and how it should behave.
Training Opportunities
Dog treats are an effective training method. You can use them to teach your dog new skills and behaviors. Whether it’s learning new tricks or following specific commands, rewarding your dog with treats during training sessions makes it enjoyable for both you and your furry companion.
Maintaining Energy
Outdoor activities can consume a lot of energy, especially for active breeds that require daily exercise. High-quality dog treats can help sustain energy levels during longer walks and keep your pet lively.
Nutritional Benefits
Many dog treats contain nutrients that are beneficial for your pet’s health. These treats are often excellent sources of protein and vitamins, which help maintain your dog’s muscles and strengthen its immune system.
Giving your dog treats can help socialize your pet with other dogs. For instance, you can use treats as rewards when your dog meets new friends or learns to remain calm in the presence of other dogs.
Best Friend Care+ dog treats - Good for your dog!
Calming Your Dog During Walks – Avoiding Leash Aggression
Sometimes dogs can be restless or anxious during walks, leading them to pull on the leash, bark, jump, or otherwise disrupt the walk. This can be stressful for both the dog and the owner.
Here are several ways to calm your dog during walks:
Use a Calm Tone of Voice
Speak to your dog in a calm voice and avoid overly excited or harsh commands.
Proper Leash Use
Ensure that the dog’s leash is short enough for control but loose enough for comfortable movement. Avoid pulling or jerking the leash, as it only increases the dog’s stress.
Use Rewards
Reward your dog for good behavior. You can give treats, various dog snacks, or reward with cuddling and playtime. Remember that a calm and positive approach helps create a more enjoyable walking experience for both you and your furry companion.
Let Your Dog Investigate the Environment
If your dog is restless, it may need more time to explore its surroundings. Allow it to stop and sniff the environment peacefully.
Use Calming Signals
Dogs communicate through body language. You can use slow movements or calming eye contact to soothe your dog.
Remember that each dog is an individual, so the necessary calming techniques may vary from one dog to another.
It’s easy to recognize that dog treats can be beneficial in many ways during outdoor activities. When rewarding your dog, choose high-quality and healthy treats without unnecessary sugars or additives. If needed, consult with a veterinarian before adding new foods or treats to your pet’s diet.